Within the training of human resources, continuous training services are also offered through face-to-face, blended and / or online courses, this due to the load of work activity that often prevents us from constant training, this is how of the catalog of courses offered are:

  • Methodologies of Scientific Research:

The objective of this course is to make known the fundamental concepts of the scientific method, applied to research, perform the specialized search for information in a generalized and selective manner, administer the scientific information, know how to read and interpret the scientific information obtained from the articles, likewise establish the format that entails the writing of a scientific technical text. This course is aimed at students, professionals and teachers of higher education in the area of ​​science.

  • Introduction to infrared spectroscopy:

The objective of this course is to provide a basic knowledge of the interpretation of infrared radiation and its use in the characterization of organic compounds, this through its vibrational frequencies, each chemical substance has characteristic vibration frequencies making them unique in their identity, thanks to this it is possible to characterize vibration bands of chemical compounds and their identification, know the vibration bands and frequencies in that appear the functional groups, the intensity of the signals and their fingerprint, are just some of the characteristics that are disclosed in these basic courses to infrared spectroscopy.

These are just some examples of courses given, likewise it will depend on the need of the applicants the type of c They need to take for personal, business or industrial training and is not exclusive to only professionals, but to any public that has a need for learning, including young people under 18 years.