The CeMIC SC, puts at your disposal the service of management in social projects, as part of the multidisciplinary activities that we carry out. Project management is a methodical approach to planning and guiding project processes from start to finish. According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), the processes are guided by five stages: initiation, planning, execution, control and closure. This type of service, to mention an example, allows us to provide a solution to the companies that need the release of rights of way inside and outside urban areas, looking for the best solution model that allows the efficiency in the use of natural resources and simultaneously protecting sustainability and social and environmental impact. For this we have:

  • Management and Execution of Social Projects.
  • Analysis and Services of Analysis of Heavy Metals in Soil, Water and Air.
  • Integral Community Diagnostics.
  • Technical Reports of Social Feasibility of Projects.
  • Management for the acquisition and / or rent of real estate social and private property.
  • Agriculture, livestock, fishing, mining and beekeeping.

To mention a few, you can also see a general picture included in the following general flow diagram in the granting of these services.